This list of 7 letter words containing x has 456 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain X, and 7 letter words with x.
abaxial, abaxile, adaxial, addaxes, admixed, admixes, adnexal, affixal, affixed, affixer, affixes, alexias, alexine, alexins, alloxan, annexed, annexes, anorexy, anoxias, antefix, anthrax, antitax, anxiety, anxious, apraxia, apraxic, apteryx, aruspex, asphyxy, ataraxy, ataxias.
ataxics, ataxies, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic, axially, axillae, axillar, axillas, axolotl, axseeds, bandbox, bateaux, bauxite, beeswax, bemixed, bemixes, betaxed, betwixt, biaxial, boraxes, boxcars, boxfish, boxfuls, boxhaul, boxiest, boxings, boxlike, boxwood.
braxies, broadax, bruxism, bureaux, buxomer, buxomly, cachexy, calyxes, carapax, cashbox, chamoix, claxons, coalbox, coannex, coaxers, coaxial, coaxing, coexert, coexist, commixt, complex, conflux, context, coteaux, coxalgy, coxcomb, dewaxed, dewaxes, dextral, dextran.
dextrin, digoxin, dioxane, dioxide, dioxids, elixirs, epitaxy, epoxide, epoxied, epoxies, epoxyed, equinox, ethoxyl, exactas, exacted, exacter, exactly, exactor, exalted, exalter, examens, examine, example, exarchs, exarchy.
exceeds, excepts, excerpt, excided, excides, exciple, excised, excises, excited, exciter, excites, exciton, excitor, exclaim, exclave, exclude, excreta, excrete, excused, excuser, excuses, execute, exedrae, exegete, exempla, exempts, exergue, exerted, exhaled, exhales, exhaust, exhibit, exhorts, exhumed, exhumer, exhumes, exigent.
exilian, exiling, existed, exiting, exocarp, exoderm, exogamy, exogens, exordia, exosmic, exotica, exotics, exotism, expands, expanse, expects, expends, expense, experts, expiate, expired, expirer, expires, explain, explant, explode, exploit, explore.
exports, exposal, exposed, exposer, exposes, exposit, expound, express, expulse, expunge, exscind, exsects, exserts, extends, extents, externe, externs, extinct, extolls, extorts, extract, extrema, extreme, extrude, exudate, exuding, exulted, exurban, exurbia, exuviae.
exuvial, exuvium, feedbox, firebox, fixable, fixated, fixates, fixatif, fixedly, fixings, fixture, fixures, flaxier, flexile, flexing, flexion, flexors, flexure, flummox, fluxing, fluxion, fowlpox, foxfire, foxfish, foxhole, foxiest, foxings, foxlike, foxskin, foxtail, galaxes, gearbox.
hapaxes, helixes, hellbox, hexades, hexadic, hexagon, hexanes, hexapla, hexapod, hexerei, hexones, hexosan, hexoses, hoaxers, hoaxing, hydroxy, hypoxia, hypoxic, hyraxes, immixed, immixes, indexed, indexer, indexes, indoxyl, inexact, infixed, infixes, ixodids, jinxing, jukebox, klaxons, latexes, laxness, lexical.
lexicon, lixivia, lockbox, luxated, luxates, mailbox, maxilla, maximal, maximin, maximum, maxixes, maxwell, methoxy, milieux, minimax, minxish, mirexes, mixable, mixible, mixture, murexes, myxomas, narthex, nexuses, noxious, oratrix, outjinx, overlax, overmix, overtax, oxalate, oxazine, oxblood, oxcarts, oxfords, oxheart, oxidant, oxidase, oxidate, oxidise.
oxidize, oxtails, oxyacid, oxygens, oxymora, oxyphil, oxysalt, oxysome, oxytone, packwax, panchax, paradox, pemphix, peroxid, perplex, phalanx, pharynx, phloxes, phoenix, pickaxe, pillbox, pixyish, plexors, poleaxe, postbox, postfix, pretext, prexies, princox, proxies.
proximo, pyrexia, pyrexic, pyxides, pyxidia, quixote, radixes, reaffix, reannex, rectrix, redoxes, reexpel, refixed, refixes, reindex, relaxed, relaxer, relaxes, relaxin, remixed, remixes, reseaux, rewaxed, rewaxes, salpinx, saltbox, sandbox, saxhorn, saxtuba, silexes, simplex, sixfold, sixteen.
sixthly, sixties, soapbox, sonovox, subtext, taxable, taxably, taxemes, taxemic, taxicab, taxiing, taximan, taximen, taxites, taxitic, taxiway, taxless, taxpaid, taxwise, taxying, tectrix, telexed, telexes, texases, textile, textual, texture, toolbox, tortrix, toxemia, toxemic, toxical, toxines, toxoids, trioxid, triplex, tubifex, tuxedos, ulexite.
unboxed, unboxes, unfixed, unfixes, unmixed, untaxed, unvexed, unwaxed, uxorial, vexedly, vexilla, vixenly, waxbill, waxiest, waxings, waxlike, waxweed, waxwing, waxwork, waxworm, woadwax, woodbox, woodwax, workbox, xanthic, xanthin, xerarch, xeroses, xerosis, xerotic, xeruses, xiphoid, xylenes, xylidin, xyloses, xysters,
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