This list of words containing ax has 378 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain ax, and words with ax.
abaxial, abaxile, adaxial, addax, addaxes, aftertax, anthrax, anticlimax, anticlimaxes, antitax, apraxia, apraxias, apraxic, ataraxia, ataraxias, ataraxic, ataraxics, ataraxies, ataraxy, ataxia, ataxias, ataxic, ataxics, ataxies, ataxy, axal, axe, axed, axel, axels, axeman.
axemen, axenic, axes, axial, axialities, axiality, axially, axil, axile, axilla, axillae, axillar, axillaries, axillars, axillary, axillas, axils, axing, axiologies, axiology, axiom, axiomatic, axioms, axis, axised, axises.
axite, axites, axle, axled, axles, axletree, axletrees, axlike, axman, axmen, axolotl, axolotls, axon, axonal, axone, axones, axonic, axons, axoplasm, axoplasms, axseed, axseeds, beeswax, beeswaxes, betaxed, biaxal, biaxial, borax, boraxes, braxies, braxy, broadax, broadaxe, broadaxes, carapax, carapaxes, chronaxies, chronaxy, claxon, claxons.
climax, climaxed, climaxes, climaxing, coax, coaxal, coaxed, coaxer, coaxers, coaxes, coaxial, coaxing, curtalax, curtalaxes, dewax, dewaxed, dewaxes, dewaxing, dystaxia, dystaxias, earwax, earwaxes, epistaxis, epitaxies, epitaxy, eutaxies, eutaxy, fax, faxed, faxes, faxing, flax, flaxen, flaxes, flaxier, flaxiest, flaxseed, flaxseeds, flaxy.
galax, galaxes, galaxies, galaxy, geotaxes, geotaxis, hapax, hapaxes, hoax, hoaxed, hoaxer, hoaxers, hoaxes, hoaxing, hyrax, hyraxes, klaxon, klaxons, lax, laxation, laxations, laxative, laxatives, laxer, laxest, laxities, laxity, laxly, laxness, laxnesses.
maxi, maxicoat, maxicoats, maxilla, maxillae, maxillas, maxim, maxima, maximal, maximals, maximin, maximins, maximise, maximised, maximises, maximising, maximite, maximites, maximize, maximized, maximizes, maximizing, maxims, maximum.
maximums, maxis, maxixe, maxixes, maxwell, maxwells, minimax, minimaxes, monaxial, neuraxon, neuraxons, nontax, nontaxable, nontaxes, overlax, overtax, overtaxed, overtaxes, overtaxing, packwax, packwaxes, panchax, panchaxes.
parallax, parallaxes, pax, paxes, paxwax, paxwaxes, phylaxis, phylaxises, pickax, pickaxe, pickaxed, pickaxes, pickaxing, poleax, poleaxe, poleaxed, poleaxes, poleaxing, praxes, praxis, praxises, preaxial, pretax, prophylaxis, rax, raxed, raxes, raxing.
relax, relaxant, relaxants, relaxation, relaxations, relaxed, relaxer, relaxers, relaxes, relaxin, relaxing, relaxins, rewax, rewaxed, rewaxes, rewaxing, sax, saxatile, saxes, saxhorn, saxhorns, saxonies, saxony, saxophone, saxophones, saxtuba, saxtubas, smilax, smilaxes, storax, storaxes, styrax, styraxes, subaxial, supertax, supertaxes, surtax.
surtaxed, surtaxes, surtaxing, syntax, syntaxes, tax, taxa, taxable, taxables, taxably, taxation, taxations, taxed, taxeme, taxemes, taxemic, taxer, taxers, taxes, taxi, taxicab, taxicabs, taxidermies, taxidermist, taxidermists, taxidermy, taxied, taxies, taxiing, taximan, taximen, taxing, taxingly, taxis, taxite, taxites.
taxitic, taxiway, taxiways, taxless, taxman, taxmen, taxon, taxonomies, taxonomy, taxons, taxpaid, taxpayer, taxpayers, taxpaying, taxus, taxwise, taxying, thorax, thoraxes, toadflax, toadflaxes, triaxial.
undertax, undertaxed, undertaxes, undertaxing, uniaxial, untaxed, unwaxed, wax, waxberries, waxberry, waxbill, waxbills, waxed, waxen, waxer, waxers, waxes, waxier, waxiest, waxily, waxiness, waxinesses, waxing, waxings, waxlike, waxplant, waxplants, waxweed.
waxweeds, waxwing, waxwings, waxwork, waxworks, waxworm, waxworms, waxy, woadwax, woadwaxes, woodwax, woodwaxes, zax, zaxes,
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