This list of 5 letter words containing o has 2396 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain O, and 5 letter words with o.
abbot, abhor, abmho, abode, abohm, aboil, aboma, aboon, abort, about, above, achoo, acock, acold, acorn, actor, adios, adobe, adopt, adore, adorn, adown, adoze, aeons, afoot, afore, afoul, agios, aglow, agone, agons.
agony, agora, ahold, ahoys, alamo, aldol, algor, allod, allot, allow, alloy, aloes, aloft, aloha, aloin, alone, along, aloof, aloud, altho, altos, ambos, amido, amigo, amino, ammos, amoks.
amole, among, amort, amour, ancon, anion, annoy, anoas, anode, anole, anomy, aorta, aport, apron, arbor, ardor, argol, argon, argot, armor, aroid, aroma, arose, arrow, arson, arvos, ascot, atoll, atoms, atomy, atone, atony, atopy, audio, autos.
avion, aviso, avoid, avows, awoke, awols, axiom, axone, axons, azido, azoic, azole, azons, azote, azoth, baboo, bacon, banco, banjo, baron, basso, baton, bayou, beano, bebop, befog, begot, below, besom, besot, beton, bevor, bhoot, bigot, bijou, bilbo, bingo, biome, biont, biota.
bipod, bison, bloat, blobs, block, blocs, bloke, blond, blood, bloom, bloop, blots, blown, blows, blowy, board, boars, boart, boast, boats, bobby, bocce, bocci, boche, bocks, boded, bodes, boffo, boffs, bogan, bogey, boggy, bogie, bogle, bogus.
bogys, bohea, boils, boite, bolar, bolas, boles, bolls, bolos, bolts, bolus, bombe, bombs, bonds, boned, boner, bones, boney, bongo, bongs, bonne, bonny, bonus, bonze, boobs, booby, booed, books, booms, boomy, boons, boors, boost, booth.
boots, booty, booze, boozy, boras, borax, bored, borer, bores, boric, borne, boron, borts, borty, bortz, bosks, bosky, bosom, boson, bossy, bosun, botch, botel, botts, bough, boule, bound, bourg, bourn, bouse, bousy, bouts, bovid, bowed.
bowel, bower, bowls, bowse, boxed, boxer, boxes, boyar, boyla, boyos, bozos, bravo, brios, broad, brock, broil, broke, brome, bromo, bronc, brood, brook, broom, broos.
brose, brosy, broth, brown, brows, bucko, buffo, bunco, bunko, buoys, burro, buteo, buxom, cabob, cacao, cahow, cajon, cameo, campo, canoe, canon, canso, canto, capon, capos, cargo, carob, carol, carom, cello, celom, cento, ceorl, ceros, chaos.
chiao, chico, chino, chiro, chock, choir, choke, choky, chomp, chops, chord, chore, chose, chott, chows, cibol, cions, cisco, claro, cloak, clock, clods, clogs, clomb, clomp.
clone, clonk, clons, cloot, clops, close, cloth, clots, cloud, clour, clout, clove, clown, cloys, cloze, coach, coact, coala, coals, coapt, coast, coati, coats, cobbs, cobby, cobia, coble, cobra, cocas, cocci, cocks.
cocky, cocoa, cocos, codas, coded, coden, coder, codes, codex, codon, coeds, coffs, cogon, cohog, cohos, coifs, coign, coils, coins, coirs, coked, cokes, colas, colds, coles, colic, colin.
colly, colog, colon, color, colts, colza, comae, comal, comas, combe, combo, combs, comby, comer, comes, comet, comfy, comic, comma, commy, compo, comps, compt, comte, conch, coned, cones, coney, conga.
conge, congo, conic, conin, conks, conky, conns, conte, conto, conus, cooch, cooed, cooee, cooer, cooey, coofs, cooks, cooky, cools, cooly, coomb, coons, coops.
coopt, coots, copal, coped, copen, coper, copes, copra, copse, coral, corby, cords, cordy, cored, corer, cores, corgi, coria, corks, corky, corms, corns, cornu, corny, corps, corse, cosec, coses, coset, cosey, cosie, costa.
costs, cotan, coted, cotes, cotta, couch, coude, cough, could, count, coupe, coups, court, couth, coved, coven, cover, coves, covet, covey, cowed, cower, cowls, cowry, coxae, coxal, coxed, coxes, coyed, coyer, coyly.
coypu, cozen, cozes, cozey, cozie, credo, croak, croci, crock, croft, crone, crony, crook, croon, crops, crore, cross, croup, crowd, crown, crows, croze, cruor, curio, cusso, cyano, cyclo, cymol, cyton, dados.
dagos, danio, datos, datto, decor, decoy, defog, demob, demon, demos, depot, devon, dhole, dhoti, dhows, diazo, dicot, didos, dildo, dingo, diode, diols, disco, ditto, divot, doats, dobby, dobie, dobla, dobra, docks, dodge, dodgy, dodos.
doers, doest, doeth, doffs, doges, dogey, doggo, doggy, dogie, dogma, doily, doing, doits, dojos, dolce, dolci, doled, doles, dolls, dolly, dolor, dolts, domal.
domed, domes, domic, donas, donee, dongs, donna, donne, donor, donsy, donut, dooly, dooms, doors, doozy, dopas, doped, doper, dopes, dopey, dorms, dormy.
dorps, dorrs, dorsa, dorty, dosed, doser, doses, dotal, doted, doter, dotes, dotty, doubt, douce, dough, douma, doura, douse, doven, doves, dowdy, dowed, dowel, dower, dowie, downs, downy, dowry, dowse, doxie, doyen, doyly.
dozed, dozen, dozer, dozes, droit, droll, drone, drool, droop, drops, dropt, dross, drouk, drove, drown, duomi, duomo, duroc, duros, ebons, ebony, ecole, eidos, eikon, elbow, eloin, elope.
embow, emote, endow, enjoy, enols, enorm, enows, enrol, envoi, envoy, eosin, ephod, ephor, epoch, epode, epoxy, ergot, erode, erose, error, erugo, escot, estop, ethos, euros, evoke, expos, extol.
fados, fagot, fanon, fanos, faros, fatso, favor, felon, feods, feoff, fetor, fidos, fiord, fjord, float, flock, flocs, floes, flogs, flong, flood, floor, flops, flora, floss, flota, flour, flout, flown.
flows, fluor, foals, foams, foamy, focal, focus, foehn, fogey, foggy, fogie, fohns, foils, foins, foist, folds, folia, folic, folio, folks, folly, fonds, fondu, fonts, foods, fools, foots, footy, foram, foray.
forbs, forby, force, fordo, fords, fores, forge, forgo, forks, forky, forme, forms, forte, forth, forts, forty, forum, fossa, fosse, fouls, found, fount.
fours, fovea, fowls, foxed, foxes, foyer, frock, froes, frogs, frond, frons, front, frore, frosh, frost, froth, frown, frows, froze, fugio, fungo, furor, galop, ganof, gaols, gavot, gecko, gemot, genoa, genom, genro, geode, geoid, gesso, ghost, ghoul, gigot, gipon.
giron, giros, gismo, gizmo, gloam, gloat, globe, globs, glogg, gloms, gloom, glops, glory, gloss, glost, glout, glove, glows, gloze, gnome, goads, goals.
goats, goban, gobos, godly, goers, gogos, going, golds, golem, golfs, golly, gombo, gonad, goner, gongs, gonia, gonif, gonof, goods, goody, gooey, goofs, goofy, gooks, gooky, goons, goony, goops, goose, goosy.
goral, gored, gores, gorge, gorse, gorsy, gouge, gourd, gouts, gouty, gowan, gowds, gowks, gowns, goxes, goyim, grego, groan, groat, grogs, groin, groom, grope, gross, grosz, grots, group, grout, grove, growl, grown, grows, guaco, guano, guiro, gumbo, gusto, guyot.
gyron, gyros, hallo, halos, haole, havoc, helio, hello, helot, heron, heros, hillo, hippo, hoagy, hoard, hoars, hoary, hobby, hobos, hocks, hocus, hodad, hoers, hogan, hoggs, hoick, hoise, hoist, hoked, hokes, hokey, hokku, hokum, holds, holed.
holer, holes, holey, holks, holla, hollo, holly, holms, holts, homed, homer, homes, homey, homos, honan, honda, honed, honer, hones, honey, hongs, honks, honky, honor, hooch, hoods, hooey, hoofs, hooka, hooks, hooky, hooly, hoops, hoots, hooty, hoped, hoper.
hopes, horah, horal, horas, horde, horns, horny, horse, horst, horsy, hosed, hosel, hosen, hoses, hosts, hotch, hotel, hotly, hound, houri, hours.
house, hovel, hover, howdy, howes, howff, howfs, howks, howls, hoyle, hullo, humor, hydro, hyoid, hypos, hyson, ichor, icons, idiom, idiot, idols, igloo, ikons, imago, imido, imino.
incog, indol, indow, infos, ingot, inion, intro, iodic, iodid, iodin, iodol, ionic, iotas, irone, irons, irony, ivory, jabot, jalop, jatos, jeton, jingo, jocko, jocks.
joeys, johns, joins, joint, joist, joked, joker, jokes, joles, jolly, jolts, jolty, joram, jorum, jotas, jotty, jouks, joule, joust, jowed, jowls, jowly, joyed, judos, jumbo, junco, junto, jupon, juror, kabob, kaons, kapok, karoo, kayos, kazoo, kebob, kendo, kenos.
ketol, kiddo, kilos, kinos, kiosk, klong, kloof, knobs, knock, knoll, knops, knosp, knots, knout, known, knows, koala, koans, koels, kohls, koine, kolas, kolos, kooks, kooky, kopek, kophs, kopje, koppa.
korun, kotos, kotow, krona, krone, kroon, kudos, kusso, labor, laevo, largo, lasso, lemon, lenos, lento, leone, lidos, limbo, limos, lingo, linos, lions, lirot, litho, llano.
loach, loads, loafs, loams, loamy, loans, loath, lobar, lobby, lobed, lobes, lobos, local, lochs, locks, locos, locum, locus, loden, lodes, lodge, loess, lofts, lofty, logan, loges, loggy, logia, logic, logoi, logos, loins, lolls, lolly, loner.
longe, longs, looby, looed, looey, loofa, loofs, looie, looks, looms, loons, loony, loops, loopy, loose, loots, loped, loper, lopes, loppy, loral, lords, lordy, lores.
loris, lorry, losel, loser, loses, lossy, lotah, lotas, lotic, lotos, lotto, lotus, lough, louie, louis, loupe, loups, lours, loury, louse, lousy, louts, loved, lover, loves, lowed, lower, lowes, lowly, lowse.
loxed, loxes, loyal, macho, macro, magot, mahoe, major, makos, mambo, mango, manor, manos, mason, matzo, mayor, melon, memos, meows, meson, metro, mezzo, miaou, miaow, micro, milos, minor, misdo, misos, moans, moats, mocha, mocks, modal, model.
modes, modus, mogul, mohel, mohur, moils, moira, moire, moist, mokes, molal, molar, molas, molds, moldy, moles, molls, molly, molto, molts, molys, momes, momma, mommy, momus, monad, monas, monde, mondo, money, mongo, monie, monks, monos, monte, month, mooch, moods, moody.
mooed, moola, mools, moons, moony, moors, moory, moose, moots, moped, moper, mopes, morae, moral, moras, moray, morel, mores, morns, moron, morph, morro, morts, mosey, mosks, mosso, mossy, moste.
mosts, motel, motes, motet, motey, moths, mothy, motif, motor, motte, motto, motts, mouch, moues, mould, moult, mound, mount, mourn, mouse, mousy, mouth, moved, mover, moves, movie, mowed, mower, moxas, moxie.
mozos, mucor, mucro, mugho, mumbo, mungo, muons, myoid, myoma, myope, myopy, nabob, narco, negro, neons, nerol, netop, nicol, ninon, niton, nitro, nobby, noble, nobly, nocks, nodal, noddy, nodes, nodus, noels, noggs, nohes, nohow, noils, noily, noise, noisy, nolos, nomad, nomas.
nomen, nomes, nomoi, nomos, nonas, nonce, nones, nooks, nooky, noons, noose, nopal, noria, norms, north, nosed, noses, nosey, notal, notch, noted, noter, notes, notum, nouns, novae, novas, novel, noway, nowts, nylon, oaken, oakum, oared, oases, oasis, oasts, oaten.
oater, oaths, oaves, obeah, obeli, obese, obeys, obias, obits, oboes, obole, oboli, obols, occur, ocean, ocher, ochre, ochry, ocrea, octad, octal, octet, octyl, odder, oddly, odeon, odeum, odium, odors, odour, odyle, odyls, ofays, offal, offed, offer, often.
ofter, ogams, ogees, ogham, ogive, ogled, ogler, ogles, ogres, ohias, ohing, ohmic, oidia, oiled, oiler, oinks, okapi, okays, okehs, okras, olden, older, oldie, oleic, olein, oleos, oleum, olios, olive, ollas, ology, omasa, omber, ombre, omega, omens, omers, omits, onces, onery.
onion, onium, onset, ontic, oohed, oomph, oorie, ootid, oozed, oozes, opahs, opals, opens, opera, opine, oping, opium, opsin, opted, optic, orach, orals, orate.
5 letter words containing O:
orbed, orbit, orcas, orcin, order, ordos, oread, organ, orgic, oribi, oriel, orles, orlop, ormer, ornis, orpin, orris, ortho, osier, osmic, osmol, ossia, ostia.
other, ottar, otter, ottos, ought, ounce, ouphe, ouphs, ourie, ousel, ousts, outby, outdo, outed, outer, outgo, outre, ouzel, ouzos, ovals, ovary, ovate, ovens, overs, overt.
ovine, ovoid, ovoli, ovolo, ovule, owing, owlet, owned, owner, owsen, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, oyers, ozone, paeon, pagod, pargo, parol, paseo, patio, payor.
pedro, pekoe, pelon, pengo, peons, peony, pepos, pesos, petto, phlox, phone, phono, phons, phony, photo, phots, piano, picot, pilot, pingo, pinko, pinon, pinto.
pions, pious, pirog, pismo, piton, pivot, plods, plonk, plops, plots, plows, ploys, poach, pocks, pocky, podgy, podia, poems, poesy, poets, pogey, poilu, poind, point, poise.
poked, poker, pokes, pokey, polar, poled, poler, poles, polio, polis, polka, polls, polly, polos, polyp, polys, pomes, pomps, ponce, ponds, pones, pooch, poods, poohs, pools, poons, poops, poori, popes, poppa.
poppy, porch, pored, pores, porgy, porks, porky, porno, porns, porte, ports, posed, poser, poses, posit, posse, posts, potsy, potto, potty, pouch, pouff, poufs, poult, pound, pours.
pouts, pouty, power, poxed, poxes, poyou, praos, primo, prior, proas, probe, prods, proem, profs, progs, prole, proms, prone, prong, proof, props, prose.
proso, prost, prosy, proud, prove, prowl, prows, proxy, psoae, psoai, psoas, punto, puton, pylon, pyoid, qophs, quods, quoin, quoit, quota, quote, quoth, racon, radio, radon.
ratio, ratos, rayon, razor, rebop, recon, recto, redos, redox, reoil, repro, resow, rewon, rhino, rhomb, rigor, riots, roach, roads, roams, roans, roars, roast, robed, robes, robin, roble, robot, rocks, rocky, rodeo, roger.
rogue, roils, roily, roles, rolls, roman, romps, rondo, roods, roofs, rooks, rooky, rooms, roomy, roose, roost, roots, rooty, roped, roper, ropes, roque, rosed.
roser, roses, roset, rosin, rotas, rotch, rotes, rotls, rotor, rotos, rouen, roues, rouge, rough, round, roups, roupy, rouse, roust, route, routh, routs, roved, roven, rover, roves, rowan, rowdy, rowed, rowel, rowen, rower, rowth, royal.
rumor, ryots, sabot, sagos, sajou, salol, salon, salvo, sambo, sapor, sarod, savor, savoy, schmo, scion, scoff, scold, scone, scoop, scoot, scope, scops, score, scorn, scots, scour, scout, scowl, scows, scrod, scudo, secco, segno, segos, senor.
sepoy, serow, servo, seton, shako, sheol, shoal, shoat, shock, shoed, shoer, shoes, shogs, shoji, shone, shook, shool, shoon, shoos, shoot, shops, shore, shorl, shorn, short, shote, shots, shott, shout, shove, shown, shows, showy, silos, sixmo.
skimo, skoal, slobs, sloes, slogs, sloid, slojd, sloop, slope, slops, slosh, sloth, slots, slows, sloyd, smock, smogs, smoke, smoky, smolt, smote.
snobs, snood, snook, snool, snoop, snoot, snore, snort, snots, snout, snows, snowy, soaks, soaps, soapy, soars, soave, sober, socks, socle, sodas, soddy, sodic, sofar, sofas, softa, softs, softy, soggy, soils, sojas, sokes, solan, solar, soldi.
soldo, soled, soles, solid, solon, solos, solum, solus, solve, somas, sonar, sonde, sones, songs, sonic, sonly, sonny, sonsy, sooey, sooth, soots, sooty, sophs, sophy, sopor, soppy, soras, sorbs, sords, sorel, sorer, sores, sorgo, sorns, sorry.
sorts, sorus, soths, sotol, sough, souls, sound, soups, soupy, sours, souse, south, sowar, sowed, sower, soyas, sozin, spado, spode, spoil, spoke, spoof, spook, spool, spoon, spoor, spore, sport, spots.
spout, steno, stoae, stoai, stoas, stoat, stobs, stock, stogy, stoic, stoke, stole, stoma, stomp, stone, stony, stood, stook, stool, stoop, stope, stops, stopt.
store, stork, storm, story, stoss, stoup, stour, stout, stove, stowp, stows, strop, strow, stroy, sudor, sulfo, sumos, swobs, swoon, swoop, swops, sword, swore, sworn, swots, swoun, synod, taboo, tabor, tacos, talon, tango, tanto, tardo, taroc, tarok.
taros, tarot, taxon, teloi, telos, tempo, tenon, tenor, thiol, thole, thong, thorn, thoro, thorp, those, thous, throb, throe, throw, tigon, tiros, toads, toady, toast, tobys, today, toddy, toffs, toffy, tofts, tofus, togae, togas, togue, toile, toils, toits, tokay, token, tokes.
tolan, tolas, toled, toles, tolls, tolus, tolyl, toman, tombs, tomes, tommy, tonal, tondi, tondo, toned, toner, tones, tonga, tongs, tonic, tonka, tonne, tonus, tools, toons, tooth, toots, topaz, toped, topee, toper, topes, tophe, tophi.
tophs, topic, topis, topoi, topos, toque, torah, toras, torch, torcs, tores, toric, torii, toros, torse, torsi, torsk, torso, torte, torts, torus, total, toted, totem, toter, totes, totty, touch, tough, tours, touse, touts, towed, towel, tower, towie, towns, towny, toxic.
toxin, toyed, toyer, toyon, toyos, trigo, triol, trios, troak, trock, trode, trois, troke, troll, tromp, trona, trone, troop, trooz, trope, troth, trots, trout, trove, trows, troys, tumor, turbo, tutor, typos.
tyros, umbos, unbox, uncos, ungot, union, unwon, updos, uredo, valor, vapor, venom, verso, video, vigor, vinos, viola, viols, vireo, visor, vizor, vocal, voces, voder, vodka, vodum, vodun, vogie, vogue, voice, voids, voile, volar, voled, voles, volta, volte.
volti, volts, volva, vomer, vomit, voted, voter, votes, vouch, vowed, vowel, vower, vroom, vrouw, vrows, vulgo, wagon, wahoo, whoas, whole, whomp, whoop, whops, whore, whorl, whort.
whose, whoso, widow, wilco, winos, woads, woald, woful, woken, wolds, wolfs, woman, wombs, womby, women, womps, wonky, wonts, woods, woody, wooed, wooer, woofs, wools, wooly, woops, woosh, woozy.
words, wordy, works, world, worms, wormy, worry, worse, worst, worth, worts, would, wound, woven, wowed, wrong, wrote, wroth, xenon, xylol, yahoo, yapok, yapon, yodel, yodhs, yodle, yogas, yogee, yoghs, yogic, yogin, yogis, yoked, yokel, yokes, yolks, yolky, yomim, yonis, yores.
young, yourn, yours, youse, youth, yowed, yowes, yowie, yowls, yupon, zeros, zloty, zoeae, zoeal, zoeas, zombi, zonal, zoned, zoner, zones, zooid, zooks, zooms, zoons, zoril, zowie,
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