This list of 5 letter words containing m has 1175 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain M, and 5 letter words with m.
abamp, abeam, abmho, abohm, aboma, abysm, acmes, acmic, adeem, adman, admen, admit, admix, agama, agmas, aimed, aimer, alamo, alarm, album, algum, almah, almas, almeh, almes, almud, almug, alums, amahs, amain, amass.
amaze, amber, ambit, amble, ambos, ambry, ameba, ameer, amend, amens, ament, amias, amice, amide, amido, amids, amies, amiga, amigo, amine, amino, amins, amirs, amiss, amity, ammos, amnia, amnic, amoks, amole, among, amort, amour, ample, amply, ampul, amuck.
amuse, amyls, anima, anime, animi, anomy, armed, armer, armet, armor, aroma, arums, atman, atmas, atoms, atomy, aurum, axiom, axman, axmen, balms, balmy, barms, barmy, beams, beamy, bedim, begum, bemas, bemix, berme, berms, besom, bimah, bimas, biome, blame, blimp.
blimy, bloom, blume, bombe, bombs, booms, boomy, bosom, bream, brims, brome, bromo, broom, brume, bumfs, bumps, bumpy, buxom, calms, camas, camel, cameo, cames, campi, campo, camps, campy, carom, cecum, celom, champ, chams, charm, chasm, chimb, chime, chimp, chirm, chomp, chump.
chums, chyme, cimex, claim, clamp, clams, climb, clime, clomb, clomp, clump, comae, comal, comas, combe, combo, combs, comby, comer, comes, comet, comfy, comic, comma, commy, compo, comps, compt, comte, coomb, corms, cramp, crams, cream, creme.
crime, crimp, crumb, crump, culms, cumin, cymae, cymar, cymas, cymes, cymol, daman, damar, dames, damns, damps, datum, deems, degum, deism, demes, demit, demob, demon, demos, demur, denim, derma, derms, dimer, dimes, dimly, disme, dogma.
domal, domed, domes, domic, dooms, dorms, dormy, douma, drama, drams, dream, drums, dumas, dumbs, dumka, dumky, dummy, dumps, dumpy, duomi, duomo, durum, edema, elemi, embar, embay, embed, ember, embow, emcee, emeer, emend, emery, emeus, emirs, emits, emmer, emmet, emote.
empty, emyde, emyds, enema, enemy, enorm, enzym, etyma, exams, famed, fames, fanum, farms, femes, femme, femur, fermi, films, filmy, filum, firms, flame, flams, flamy, fleam, flume, flump, foams.
foamy, foram, forme, forms, forum, frame, fremd, frump, fumed, fumer, fumes, fumet, gamba, gambe, gambs, gamed, gamer, games, gamey, gamic, gamin, gamma, gamps, gamut, gaums, gemma, gemmy.
gemot, genom, germs, germy, geums, gimel, gimps, gimpy, gismo, gizmo, gleam, glime, glims, gloam, gloms, gloom, glume, gnome, golem, gombo, goyim, grama, gramp.
grams, grime, grimy, groom, grume, grump, gumbo, gumma, gummy, haems, hakim, halms, hamal, hames, hammy, hamza, harem, harms, haulm, helms, hemal, hemes, hemic, hemin, hemps, hempy, herma, herms, hilum.
hokum, holms, homed, homer, homes, homey, homos, human, humic, humid, humor, humph, humps, humpy, humus, hymen, hymns, iambi, iambs, idems, idiom, ihram, ileum, ilium, image, imago, imams, imaum, imbed, imbue, imide, imido.
imids, imine, imino, immix, imped, impel, impis, imply, inarm, items, jambe, jambs, jemmy, jimmy, jimpy, joram, jorum, jugum, jumbo, jumps, jumpy, kalam, kames, kamik, karma, kemps, kempt, kilim, kumys, lamas, lambs, lamed, lamer, lames, lamia.
lamps, larum, leman, lemma, lemon, lemur, liman, limas, limba, limbi, limbo, limbs, limby, limed, limen, limes, limey, limit, limns, limos, limps, linum, llama, loams, loamy, locum, looms, lumen, lumps.
lumpy, lymph, maars, macaw, maced, macer, maces, macho, machs, macks, macle, macro, madam, madly, madre, mafia, mafic, mages, magic, magma, magot, magus, mahoe, maids, maile, maill, mails, maims, mains, mairs, maist, maize, major, makar, maker, makes, makos.
malar, males, malic, malls, malms, malmy, malts, malty, mamas, mamba, mambo, mamey, mamie, mamma, mammy, manas, maned, manes, mange, mango, mangy, mania, manic, manly, manna, manor, manos, manse.
manta, manus, maple, maqui, march, marcs, mares, marge, maria, marks, marls, marly, marry, marse, marsh, marts, maser, mashy, masks, mason, massa, masse, massy, masts, match.
mated, mater, mates, matey, maths, matin, matte, matts, matza, matzo, mauls, maund, mauts, mauve, maven, mavie, mavin, mavis, mawed, maxim, maxis, mayan, mayas, maybe, mayed, mayor, mayst, mazed, mazer, mazes, mbira.
meads, meals, mealy, means, meant, meany, meats, meaty, mecca, medal, media, medic, medii, meeds, meets, meiny, melba, melds, melee, melic, mells, melon, melts, memos, menad, mends, mensa, mense, menta, menus, meows, mercy, merer.
meres, merge, merit, merks, merle, merls, merry, mesas, meshy, mesic, mesne, meson, messy, metal, meted, meter, metes, metis, metre, metro, mewed, mewls, mezzo, miaou, miaow, miasm, miaul, micas.
micks, micra, micro, middy, midge, midis, midst, miens, miffs, miffy, miggs, might, mikes, mikra, milch, miler, miles, milia, milks, milky, mille, mills, milos, milpa, milts, milty, mimed, mimer, mimes, mimic, minae, minas, mince, mincy, minds, mined, miner.
mines, mingy, minim, minis, minks, minny, minor, mints, minty, minus, mired, mires, mirex, mirks, mirky, mirth, mirza, misdo, miser, mises, misos, missy, mists, misty, miter.
mites, mitis, mitre, mitts, mixed, mixer, mixes, mixup, mizen, moans, moats, mocha, mocks, modal, model, modes, modus, mogul, mohel, mohur, moils, moira, moire, moist, mokes, molal, molar, molas, molds, moldy, moles.
molls, molly, molto, molts, molys, momes, momma, mommy, momus, monad, monas, monde, mondo, money, mongo, monie, monks, monos, monte, month, mooch.
moods, moody, mooed, moola, mools, moons, moony, moors, moory, moose, moots, moped, moper, mopes, morae, moral, moras, moray, morel, mores, morns, moron, morph, morro, morts, mosey, mosks, mosso, mossy, moste, mosts, motel, motes, motet, motey.
moths, mothy, motif, motor, motte, motto, motts, mouch, moues, mould, moult, mound, mount, mourn, mouse, mousy, mouth, moved, mover, moves, movie, mowed, mower, moxas, moxie, mozos, mucic, mucid, mucin, mucks, mucky, mucor, mucro.
mucus, muddy, mudra, muffs, mufti, muggs, muggy, mugho, muhly, mujik, mulch, mulct, muled, mules, muley, mulla, mulls, mumbo, mumms, mummy, mumps, munch, munge, mungo, mungs, muons, mural, muras, mured, mures, murex, murid, murks, murky, murra, murre.
murrs, murry, musca, mused, muser, muses, mushy, music, musks, musky, mussy, musth, musts, musty, mutch, muted, muter, mutes, mutts, muzzy, mynah, mynas, myoid, myoma, myope, myopy, myrrh, myths, named, namer, names, neems, nemas, neume, neums, nimbi, nizam, nomad.
nomas, nomen, nomes, nomoi, nomos, norms, notum, numbs, numen, nymph, oakum, odeum, odium, ogams, ogham, ohmic, oleum, omasa, omber, ombre, omega, omens, omers, omits.
onium, oomph, opium, ormer, osmic, osmol, oxime, oxims, palms, palmy, pampa, perms, pigmy, pimas, pimps, pismo, plasm, plumb, plume, plump, plums, plumy, poems, pomes, pomps, praam, prams, prima, prime, primi, primo, primp, prims, prism, proem, proms, psalm, pumas, pumps.
pygmy, qualm, ramee, ramet, ramie, rammy, ramps, ramus, realm, reams, rearm, regma, rehem, reman, remap, remet, remex, remit, remix, retem, rheum, rhomb, rhumb, rhyme, rimed, rimer, rimes, roams, roman, romps, rooms, roomy, rumba, rumen, rummy.
rumor, rumps, sagum, salmi, samba, sambo, samek, samps, satem, scamp, scams, schmo, scram, scrim, scrum, scums, seams, seamy, sebum, sedum, seems, seism, semen, semes, semis, serum, shame, shams, shawm, shims, sigma, simar, simas, simps, sixmo.
skimo, skimp, skims, slime, slims, slimy, slump, slums, smack, small, smalt, smarm, smart, smash, smaze, smear, smeek, smell, smelt, smerk, smews, smile, smirk, smite, smith, smock, smogs, smoke, smoky, smolt, smote, smuts, solum.
somas, spasm, sperm, spume, spumy, stamp, steam, stems, stime, stimy, stoma, stomp, storm, strum, stump, stums, stymy, sumac, summa, sumos, sumps, swami, swamp, swamy, swarm, swims, tamal, tamed, tamer, tames, tamis, tammy, tamps, teams.
teems, tempi, tempo, tempt, terms, tharm, theme, therm, thrum, thumb, thump, thyme, thymi, thymy, timed, timer, times, timid, toman, tombs, tomes, tommy, totem, tramp, trams, trims, tromp, trump, tryma, tumid, tummy, tumor, tumps, ulama, ulema, umbel, umber, umbos, umbra, umiac.
umiak, umped, unarm, unman, unmet, unmew, vamps, velum, venom, vimen, vimpa, vodum, vomer, vomit, vroom, wames, wamus, warms, whams, whelm, whims, whomp, whump.
woman, wombs, womby, women, womps, worms, wormy, xylem, yamen, yamun, yomim, yummy, zamia, ziram, zombi, zooms, zymes,
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