This list of 5 letter words containing k has 812 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain K, and 5 letter words with k.
aback, abaka, acock, akees, akela, akene, alack, alike, alkyd, alkyl, amoks, amuck, ankhs, ankle, ankus, apeak, apeek, araks, asked, asker, askew, awake, awoke, babka, backs, baked, baker, bakes, balks, balky, banks.
barks, barky, basks, batik, baulk, beaks, beaky, becks, biked, biker, bikes, bilks, birks, bisks, black, blank, bleak, blink, block, bloke, bocks, books, bosks, bosky, brake, braky, brank, break, brick, brink, brisk, brock, broke, brook.
brusk, bucko, bucks, bulks, bulky, bunko, bunks, bunky, burke, busks, caked, cakes, calks, carks, casks, casky, caulk, chalk, chark, check, cheek.
chick, chink, chirk, chock, choke, choky, chuck, chunk, clack, clank, cleek, clerk, click, clink, cloak, clock, clonk, cluck, clunk, cocks, cocky, coked, cokes, conks, conky, cooks, cooky, corks, corky, crack, crake, crank, creak, creek, crick, croak.
crock, crook, cukes, cusks, darks, darky, dawks, decks, deked, dekes, desks, dhaks, dicks, dicky, diked, diker, dikes, dinks, dinky, dirks, disks.
docks, drake, drank, dreck, dreks, drink, drouk, drunk, ducks, ducky, dukes, dumka, dumky, dunks, dusks, dusky, dyked, dyker, dykes, eikon, eking, ensky, eskar, esker, evoke, faked, faker, fakes, fakir, fecks, finks, finky, flack, flake, flaky, flank, flask, fleck.
flick, flock, fluke, fluky, flunk, folks, forks, forky, frank, freak, frisk, frock, fucks, funks, funky, fykes, gawks, gawky, gecko, gecks, geeks, ginks, gleek, gooks, gooky, gowks, greek, gucks, gunks, hacek, hacks, haika, haiks, haiku, hakes, hakim, hanks, hanky, harks, hawks.
hecks, hicks, hiked, hiker, hikes, hocks, hoick, hoked, hokes, hokey, hokku, hokum, holks, honks, honky, hooka, hooks, hooky, howks, hucks, hulks, hulky, hunks, hunky, husks, husky, icker, ikons, inked, inker, inkle, irked, jacks, jacky, jakes, jauks.
jerks, jerky, jinks, jocko, jocks, joked, joker, jokes, jouks, juked, jukes, junks, junky, kabab, kabar, kabob, kadis, kafir, kagus, kaiak, kaifs, kails, kains, kakas, kakis, kalam, kales, kalif, kalpa.
kames, kamik, kanas, kanes, kanji, kaons, kapas, kaphs, kapok, kappa, kaput, karat, karma, karns, karoo, karst, karts, kasha, kauri, kaury, kavas, kayak, kayos, kazoo, kebab, kebar, kebob, kecks, kedge, keefs, keeks.
keels, keens, keeps, keets, keeve, kefir, keirs, kelps, kelpy, kemps, kempt, kenaf, kench, kendo, kenos, kepis, kerbs, kerfs, kerne, kerns, kerry.
ketch, ketol, kevel, kevil, kexes, keyed, keyer, khadi, khaki, khans, khats, kheda, kiang, kibes, kibla, kicks, kiddo, kiddy, kiefs, kiers, kikes, kilim, kills, kilns, kilos, kilts, kilty, kinds, kines, kings, kinin, kinks, kinky, kinos, kiosk, kirks, kirns, kists, kited.
kiter, kites, kithe, kiths, kitty, kivas, kiwis, kleig, klieg, klong, kloof, klutz, knack, knaps, knars, knave, knead, kneed, kneel, knees, knell, knelt, knife, knish, knits, knobs, knock, knoll, knops, knosp, knots, knout, known, knows, knurl, knurs, koala, koans, koels.
kohls, koine, kolas, kolos, kooks, kooky, kopek, kophs, kopje, koppa, korun, kotos, kotow, kraal, kraft, krait, kraut, krill, krona, krone, kroon, krubi, kudos.
kudus, kudzu, kulak, kumys, kurta, kurus, kusso, kvass, kyack, kyars, kyats, kylix, kyrie, kytes, kythe, lacks, laked, laker, lakes, lakhs, lanky, larks, larky, leaks, leaky, leeks, licks, liked, liken, liker, likes, links, linky, locks, looks, lucks, lucky.
lunks, lurks, macks, makar, maker, makes, makos, marks, masks, merks, micks, mikes, mikra, milks, milky, minks, mirks, mirky, mocks, mokes, monks, mosks, mucks, mucky, mujik, murks.
murky, musks, musky, naked, narks, necks, nicks, nocks, nooks, nooky, nukes, oaken, oakum, oinks, okapi, okays, okehs, okras, packs, paiks, parka, parks, pawky, peaks, peaky, pecks, pecky, peeks, pekan, pekes, pekin, pekoe, perks, perky, pesky, picks.
picky, pikas, piked, piker, pikes, pinko, pinks, pinky, plack, plank, plink, plonk, pluck, plunk, pocks, pocky, poked, poker, pokes, pokey, polka, porks, porky, prank, prick, prink, pucka, pucks, puked, pukes, pukka, pulik, punka, punks, punky, quack, quake, quaky.
quark, quick, quirk, racks, raked, rakee, raker, rakes, rakis, ranks, recks, reeks, reeky, rekey, ricks, rinks, risks, risky, rocks, rocky, rooks, rooky, rucks, rusks, ryked, rykes, sacks, saker, sakes, sakis, samek, sarks, sculk, seeks, shack, shake.
shako, shaky, shank, shark, sheik, shirk, shock, shook, shuck, sicks, siker, sikes, silks, silky, sinks, skags, skald, skate, skats, skean, skeed, skeen.
skees, skeet, skegs, skein, skelp, skene, skeps, skews, skids, skied, skier, skies, skiey, skiff, skiis, skill, skimo, skimp, skims, skink, skins, skint, skips, skirl, skirr, skirt, skite, skits, skive, skoal, skuas, skulk, skull, skunk, skyed, skyey, slack, slake, slank, sleek.
slick, slink, slunk, smack, smeek, smerk, smirk, smock, smoke, smoky, snack, snake, snaky, snark, sneak, sneck, snick, snook, snuck, soaks, socks, sokes, spake, spank, spark, speak, speck, spick, spike, spiks, spiky, spoke, spook, spunk, stack, stake, stalk, stank.
stark, steak, steek, stick, stink, stirk, stock, stoke, stook, stork, stuck, stunk, sucks, sulks, sulky, swank, swink, sykes, tacks, tacky, taken, taker, takes, takin, talks.
talky, taluk, tanka, tanks, tarok, tasks, teaks, thack, thank, thick, think, ticks, tikes, tikis, tokay, token, tokes, tonka, torsk, track, traik, treks, trick, troak, trock, troke, truck.
trunk, tsked, tucks, tupik, tusks, tweak, tykes, ukase, umiak, vakil, vodka, wacke, wacks, wacky, waked, waken, waker, wakes, walks, warks, wauks, weeks, wekas, whack, whelk, whisk, wicks, winks, woken, wonky, works, wrack, wreak, wreck, yacks, yanks, yapok.
yelks, yerks, yeuks, yeuky, yoked, yokel, yokes, yolks, yolky, zinky, zooks,
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