This list of 5 letter words containing i has 2323 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain I, and 5 letter words with i.
aalii, abaci, abide, abied, abies, aboil, abris, acari, acids, acidy, acing, acini, acmic, acrid, actin, adieu, adios, adits, admit, admix, aecia, aegis, aerie, affix, afire, afrit, again, aggie, agile, aging, agios.
agist, aided, aider, aides, ailed, aimed, aimer, ainee, aired, airer, airns, airth, airts, aisle, aitch, aiver, ajiva, algid, algin, alias, alibi, alien, alifs, align, alike, aline, alist, alive, aloin.
amain, ambit, amias, amice, amide, amido, amids, amies, amiga, amigo, amine, amino, amins, amirs, amiss, amity, amnia, amnic, anile, anils, anima, anime, animi, anion, anise, antic, antis, anvil, aphid, aphis, apian, aping, apish, apsis, areic, argil.
arias, ariel, arils, arise, aroid, arris, arsis, asdic, aside, aspic, aspis, assai, astir, atilt, atria, atrip, attic, audio, audit, aulic, aurei, auric, auris, auxin, avail, avian, avion, aviso, avoid, await, awing, axial, axile, axils, axing, axiom, axite, ayins, azide, azido.
azine, azoic, bails, bairn, baith, baits, baiza, baize, baric, basic, basil, basin, basis, bassi, batik, bedim, befit, begin, beige, beigy, being, belie, bemix, benni, bewig, bezil, bialy, bibbs, bible, bices.
biddy, bided, bider, bides, bidet, bield, biers, biffs, biffy, bifid, bight, bigly, bigot, bijou, biked, biker, bikes, bilbo, biles, bilge, bilgy, bilks, bills, billy, bimah, bimas, binal, binds, bines, binge.
bingo, binit, bints, biome, biont, biota, biped, bipod, birch, birds, birks, birle, birls, birrs, birse, birth, bises, bisks, bison, bitch, biter, bites, bitsy, bitts, bitty, bizes, blain, blimp, blimy, blind, blini, blink, blips, bliss, blite, blitz, bocci, bogie, boils.
boite, boric, bovid, braid, brail, brain, briar, bribe, brick, bride, brief, brier, bries, brigs, brill, brims, brine, bring, brink, brins, briny, brios, brisk, brits, britt, broil.
bruin, bruit, buffi, build, built, burin, byssi, cabin, cacti, cadis, caids, cains, caird, cairn, calif, calix, calli, campi, carpi, cavie, cavil, cebid, cedis, ceiba, ceils, celli, cerci, ceria, ceric, cesti, chain, chair, chiao.
chias, chick, chico, chics, chide, chief, chiel, child, chile, chili, chill, chimb, chime, chimp, china, chine, chink, chino, chins, chips, chirk, chirm, chiro, chirp, chirr, chits, chive, chivy, choir, cibol, cider, cigar.
cilia, cimex, cinch, cines, cions, circa, cirri, cisco, cists, cited, citer, cites, civet, civic, civie, civil, civvy, claim, click, cliff, clift, climb, clime, cline, cling, clink, clips, clipt, coati, cobia.
cocci, coifs, coign, coils, coins, coirs, colic, colin, comic, conic, conin, corgi, coria, cosie, cozie, cribs, crick, cried, crier, cries, crime, crimp, crisp, croci, cubic, cubit, cuifs, cuing, cuish.
culti, cumin, cupid, curia, curie, curio, cutie, cutin, cutis, cylix, cynic, daily, dairy, daisy, danio, daric, davit, deair, debit, defis, deice, deify, deign, deils, deism, deist, deity.
delis, demit, denim, devil, dhoti, dhuti, dials, diary, diazo, diced, dicer, dices, dicey, dicks, dicky, dicot, dicta, didos, didst, diene, diets, dight, digit, diked, diker, dikes, dildo, dills, dilly, dimer, dimes, dimly, dinar, dined, diner, dines, dingo, dings, dingy, dinks.
dinky, dints, diode, diols, dippy, direr, dirge, dirks, dirls, dirts, dirty, disci, disco, discs, dishy, disks, disme, ditas, ditch, dites, ditto, ditty, divan, divas, dived, diver, dives, divot, divvy, diwan, dixit, dizen, dizzy, djinn, djins, dobie, dogie, doily, doing, doits.
dolci, domic, dowie, doxie, drail, drain, dribs, dried, drier, dries, drift, drill, drily, drink, drips, dript, drive, droit, druid, duits, dulia, duomi, dwine, dying, edict, edify, edile, edits.
eerie, eider, eidos, eight, eikon, eking, elain, elemi, elfin, elide, elite, eloin, emirs, emits, enfin, eniac, ennui, entia, envoi, eosin, epics, equip, erica, ervil, ethic, etuis, evict, evils, evite, exile, exine, exist, exits, eying, eyrie, eyrir, facia, fagin.
fails, faint, fairs, fairy, faith, fakir, faqir, farci, feign, feint, feist, felid, feria, fermi, fetid, fiars, fiats, fiber, fibre, fices, fiche, fichu.
ficin, fidge, fidos, fiefs, field, fiend, fiery, fifed, fifer, fifes, fifth, fifty, fight, filar, filch, filed, filer, files, filet, fille, fills.
filly, films, filmy, filth, filum, final, finch, finds, fined, finer, fines, finis, finks, finky, finny, fiord, fique, fired, firer, fires, firms, firns, firry.
first, firth, fiscs, fishy, fists, fisty, fitch, fitly, fiver, fives, fixed, fixer, fixes, fizzy, flail, flair, flick, flics, flied, flier, flies, fling, flint.
flips, flirt, flite, flits, fluid, fogie, foils, foins, foist, folia, folic, folio, frail, friar, fried, frier, fries, frigs, frill, frise, frisk, frith, frits, fritt, frizz, fruit, fugio, fujis, fundi, fungi, fusil, fuzil, gaddi, gadid, gadis, gaily, gains, gaits, gamic.
gamin, gelid, genic, genie, genii, genip, geoid, ghazi, giant, gibed, giber, gibes, giddy, gifts, gigas, gighe, gigot, gigue, gilds, gills, gilly, gilts, gimel, gimps, gimpy, ginks, ginny, gipon.
gipsy, girds, girls, girly, girns, giron, giros, girsh, girth, girts, gismo, gists, given, giver, gives, gizmo, glair, glial, glide, gliff, glime, glims, glint, going, gonia, gonif, goyim, grail, grain, gride, grids, grief, griff, grift, grigs, grill.
grime, grimy, grind, grins, gripe, grips, gript, gripy, grist, grith, grits, groin, guide, guids, guild, guile, guilt, guiro, guise, habit, hadji.
hafis, hafiz, haika, haiks, haiku, hails, haily, hairs, hairy, hajis, hajji, hakim, halid, heigh, heils, heirs, heist, helio, helix, hemic, hemin, hicks, hided, hider, hides, highs.
hight, hiked, hiker, hikes, hilar, hillo, hills, hilly, hilts, hilum, hilus, hinds, hinge, hinny, hints, hippo, hippy, hired, hirer, hires, hists, hitch, hived, hiver, hives, hoick, hoise, hoist, houri, humic, humid, hying, hyoid, iambi, iambs, icers, ichor, icier.
icily, icing, icker, icons, ictic, ictus, ideal, ideas, idems, idiom, idiot, idled, idler, idles, idols, idyll, idyls, igloo, iglus, ihram, ikons, ileac, ileal, ileum, ileus, iliac.
iliad, ilial, ilium, image, imago, imams, imaum, imbed, imbue, imide, imido, imids, imine, imino, immix, imped, impel, impis, imply, inane, inapt, inarm, inbye, incog, incur, incus, index, india, indol, indow, indri, indue, inept, inert, infer, infix.
infos, infra, ingle, ingot, inion, inked, inker, inkle, inlay, inlet, inned, inner, input, inset, inter, intro, inure, inurn, invar, iodic, iodid, iodin, iodol, ionic, iotas, irade, irate, irids, iring, irked, irone, irons, irony, isbas, isled, isles, islet, issei, issue, istle.
itchy, items, ither, ivied, ivies, ivory, ixias, ixtle, izars, jails, jerid, jibbs, jibed, jiber, jibes, jiffs, jiffy, jihad, jills, jilts, jimmy, jimpy, jingo, jinks, jinni, jinns, jived, jives, joins, joint, joist, juice, juicy, kadis, kafir, kaiak, kaifs.
kails, kains, kakis, kalif, kamik, kanji, kauri, kefir, keirs, kepis, kevil, khadi, khaki, kiang, kibes, kibla, kicks, kiddo, kiddy, kiefs, kiers, kikes, kilim, kills, kilns, kilos, kilts, kilty, kinds, kines, kings, kinin, kinks, kinky, kinos, kiosk, kirks, kirns, kists.
kited, kiter, kites, kithe, kiths, kitty, kivas, kiwis, kleig, klieg, knife, knish, knits, koine, krait, krill, krubi, kylix, kyrie, labia, laich, laics, laigh, laird, lairs, laith, laity, lamia, lanai, lapin, lapis, legit, lenis, levin, lewis, liana, liane, liang, liard, liars.
libel, liber, libra, libri, lichi, licht, licit, licks, lidar, lidos, liege, liens, liers, lieus, lieve, lifer, lifts, ligan, light, liked, liken.
liker, likes, lilac, lilts, lilty, liman, limas, limba, limbi, limbo, limbs, limby, limed, limen, limes, limey, limit, limns, limos, limps, linac, lindy, lined, linen, liner, lines, liney.
linga, lingo, lings, lingy, linin, links, linky, linns, linos, lints, linty, linum, lions, lipid, lipin, lippy, liras, lirot, lisle, lisps, lists, litai, litas, liter, lithe, litho, litre, lived, liven, liver, lives, livid, livre, logia, logic, logoi.
loins, looie, loris, lotic, louie, louis, lucid, lungi, lupin, lurid, lying, lyric, lysin, lysis, lytic, mafia, mafic, magic, maids, maile, maill, mails, maims, mains, mairs, maist, maize, malic, mamie, mania, manic, maqui, maria, matin, mavie, mavin, mavis.
maxim, maxis, mbira, media, medic, medii, meiny, melic, merit, mesic, metis, miaou, miaow, miasm, miaul, micas, micks, micra, micro, middy, midge.
midis, midst, miens, miffs, miffy, miggs, might, mikes, mikra, milch, miler, miles, milia, milks, milky, mille, mills, milos, milpa, milts, milty, mimed, mimer, mimes, mimic, minae, minas, mince, mincy.
minds, mined, miner, mines, mingy, minim, minis, minks, minny, minor, mints, minty, minus, mired, mires, mirex, mirks, mirky, mirth, mirza, misdo.
miser, mises, misos, missy, mists, misty, miter, mites, mitis, mitre, mitts, mixed, mixer, mixes, mixup, mizen, moils, moira, moire, moist, monie, motif, movie, moxie, mucic, mucid, mucin, mufti, mujik, murid, music, myoid, nabis.
nadir, naevi, naiad, naifs, nails, naive, naric, naris, nazis, neifs, neigh, neist, nicer, niche, nicks, nicol, nidal, nided, nides, nidus, niece, nieve, nifty.
nighs, night, nihil, nills, nimbi, nines, ninny, ninon, ninth, nipas, nippy, nisei, nisus, niter, nitid, niton, nitre, nitro, nitty, nival, nixed, nixes, nixie, nizam, noils, noily.
noise, noisy, nomoi, noria, nubia, nudie, oasis, obeli, obias, obits, oboli, odium, ogive, ohias, ohing, ohmic, oidia, oiled, oiler, oinks, okapi, oldie, oleic, olein, olios, olive, omits, onion, onium, ontic, oorie, ootid, opine, oping, opium.
opsin, optic, orbit, orcin, orgic, oribi, oriel, ornis, orpin, orris, osier, osmic, ossia, ostia, ourie, ovine, ovoid, ovoli, owing, oxide, oxids, oxime.
oxims, oxlip, padri, paiks, pails, pains, paint, pairs, paisa, paise, palpi, panic, pappi, pardi, paris, patin, patio, pavid, pavin, pavis, peins, peise, pekin, penis, penni, peril, peris, petit, petri.
petti, pewit, phial, piano, pians, pical, picas, picks, picky, picot, picul, piece, piers, pieta, piety, piggy, pigmy, piing, pikas, piked, piker, pikes, pilaf, pilar.
pilau, pilaw, pilea, piled, pilei, piles, pilis, pills, pilot, pilus, pimas, pimps, pinas, pinch, pined, pines, piney, pingo, pings, pinko, pinks, pinky, pinna, pinon, pinta, pinto.
pints, pinup, pions, pious, pipal, piped, piper, pipes, pipet, pipit, pique, pirns, pirog, pismo, pitas, pitch, piths, pithy, piton, pivot, pixes, pixie, pixys, pizza.
plaid, plain, plait, plica, plied, plier, plies, plink, podia, poilu, poind, point, poise, polio, polis, poori, posit, price, prick, pricy, pride, pried, prier, pries, prigs, prill, prima, prime, primi.
5 letter words containing I:
primo, primp, prims, prink, print, prior, prise, prism, priss, privy, prize, psoai, pubic, pubis, pudic, pulik, pulis, pupil, purin, puris, pyins, pyoid, pyric, pyxie, pyxis.
qaids, quail, quais, quasi, quick, quids, quiet, quiff, quill, quilt, quint, quips, quipu, quire, quirk, quirt, quite, quits, quoin, quoit, rabbi, rabic, rabid, radii, radio, radix, ragis, raias.
raids, rails, rains, rainy, raise, rakis, ramie, ranid, ranis, rapid, ratio, ravin, rebid, recti, redia, redid, redip, refit, refix, reifs, reify, reign.
reins, reive, relic, relit, remit, remix, renig, renin, reoil, repin, resid, resin, retia, retie, rewin, rhino, rials, riant, riata, ribby, ribes, riced, ricer, rices, ricin, ricks, rider, rides, ridge, ridgy, riels, rifer, riffs, rifle, rifts, right, rigid.
rigor, riled, riles, riley, rille, rills, rilly, rimed, rimer, rimes, rinds, rings, rinks, rinse, riots, riped, ripen, riper, ripes, risen, riser, rises, rishi, risks, risky, risus, rites, ritzy, rival, rived, riven, river, rives, rivet, riyal, robin, roils, roily, rosin.
ruing, ruins, runic, sabin, sabir, sadis, sahib, saice, saids, saiga, sails, sains, saint, saith, sakis, salic, salmi, sapid, sarin, saris, sasin, satin, satis, savin, sayid, scion, scrim, scrip, scudi, segni.
seine, seise, seism, seize, semis, sengi, senti, sepia, sepic, serai, serif, serin, sheik, shied, shiel, shier, shies, shift, shill, shily, shims, shine, shins, shiny, ships, shire, shirk, shirr, shirt.
shist, shits, shiva, shive, shivs, shoji, shris, sials, sibbs, sibyl, sices, sicks, sided, sides, sidle, siege, sieur, sieva, sieve, sifts, sighs, sight, sigil.
sigma, signs, siker, sikes, silds, silex, silks, silky, sills, silly, silos, silts, silty, silva, simar, simas, simps, since, sines, sinew, singe, sings, sinhs, sinks, sinus, siped, sipes, sired, siree, siren, sires, sirra, sirup, sisal, sises, sissy.
sitar, sited, sites, situs, siver, sixes, sixmo, sixte, sixth, sixty, sizar, sized, sizer, sizes, skein, skids, skied, skier, skies, skiey, skiff.
skiis, skill, skimo, skimp, skims, skink, skins, skint, skips, skirl, skirr, skirt, skite, skits, skive, slain, slice, slick, slide, slier, slily, slime, slims, slimy, sling, slink.
slipe, slips, slipt, slits, sloid, smile, smirk, smite, smith, snail, snibs, snick, snide, sniff, snipe, snips, snits, sodic, soils, soldi, solid, sonic, sozin, spahi, spail, spait, speil, speir, spica, spice, spick, spics, spicy, spied, spiel, spier, spies, spike, spiks.
spiky, spile, spill, spilt, spine, spins, spiny, spire, spirt, spiry, spite, spits, spitz, spivs, split, spoil, sprig, sprit, squib, squid, staid, staig, stain, stair, stein, stich, stick, stied, sties, stiff, stile, still, stilt, stime.
stimy, sting, stink, stint, stipe, stirk, stirp, stirs, stoai, stoic, stria, strid, strip, styli, suing, suint, suite, suits, sulci, swail, swain, swami, swift, swigs, swill, swims, swine, swing, swink.
swipe, swirl, swish, swiss, swith, swive, tabid, tacit, tafia, taiga, tails, tains, taint, takin, tamis, tapir, tapis, tarsi, tawie, taxis, teiid, teind, telia, telic, teloi, tempi, tenia, tepid, terai, thein, their, thick, thief, thigh, thill, thine, thing.
think, thins, thiol, third, thirl, thrip, thymi, tiara, tibia, tical, ticks, tidal, tided, tides, tiers, tiffs, tiger, tight, tigon, tikes, tikis, tilde, tiled, tiler, tiles, tills, tilth, tilts, timed, timer, times, timid, tinct.
tinea, tined, tines, tinge, tings, tinny, tints, tipis, tippy, tipsy, tired, tires, tirls, tiros, titan, titer, tithe, titis, title, titre, titty, tizzy, toile, toils, toits, tondi, tonic, tophi, topic, topis, topoi, toric.
torii, torsi, towie, toxic, toxin, tragi, traik, trail, train, trait, triad, trial, tribe, trice, trick, tried, trier, tries, trigo, trigs, trill.
trims, trine, triol, trios, tripe, trips, trite, trois, tsadi, tulip, tumid, tunic, tupik, tutti, twain, twice, twier, twigs, twill, twine, twins, twiny, twirl, twirp, twist, twits, twixt, tying, typic, umiac, umiak.
unais, unbid, uncia, undid, unfit, unfix, unhip, unify, union, unite, units, unity, unlit, unpin, unrig, unrip, untie, until, unwit, unzip, uplit, uraei, urari, ureic, urine, using, uteri, utile, vails.
vairs, vakil, valid, vapid, varia, varix, vatic, veils, veins, veiny, venin, vexil, vials, viand, vibes, vicar, viced, vices, vichy, video, viers, views, viewy, vigil, vigor, viler, villa, villi, vills, vimen, vimpa, vinal, vinas, vinca, vined.
vines, vinic, vinos, vinyl, viola, viols, viper, viral, vireo, vires, virga, virid, virls, virtu, virus, visas, vised, vises, visit, visor, vista, vitae, vital, vitta, vivas, vivid, vixen.
vizir, vizor, vogie, voice, voids, voile, volti, vomit, vying, wadis, waifs, wails, wains, wairs, waist, waits, waive, weigh, weird, weirs, which, whids, whiff, while, whims, whine, whins, whiny, whips, whipt, whirl, whirr, whirs, whish, whisk, whist, white, whits.
whity, whizz, wicks, widdy, widen, wider, wides, widow, width, wield, wifed, wifes, wigan, wight, wilco, wilds, wiled, wiles, wills, willy, wilts, wince, winch, winds, windy, wined, wines, winey.
wings, wingy, winks, winos, winze, wiped, wiper, wipes, wired, wirer, wires, wirra, wised, wiser, wises, wisha, wisps, wispy, wists, witan, witch, wited, witen, wites, withe, withy, witty, wived, wiver, wives, wizen, wizes, wried, wrier, wries, wring.
wrist, write, writs, xenia, xenic, xeric, xylic, xysti, yagis, yaird, yetis, yield, yills, yince, yipes, yirds, yirrs, yirth, yogic, yogin, yogis, yomim.
yonis, yowie, zaire, zamia, zayin, zeins, zibet, zilch, zincs, zincy, zings, zingy, zinky, zippy, ziram, zitis, zombi, zooid, zoril, zowie,
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