This list of 4 letter words containing i has 833 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain I, and 4 letter words with i.
abri, acid, adit, agin, agio, aide, aids, ails, aims, aine, ains, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, akin, alif, alit, amia, amid, amie, amin, amir, amis, anil, anis, anti, aria, arid, aril.
asci, avid, axil, axis, ayin, bail, bait, bani, bias, bibb, bibs, bice, bide, bids, bier, biff, bike, bile, bilk, bill, bima, bind, bine, bins.
bint, bios, bird, birk, birl, birr, bise, bisk, bite, bits, bitt, bize, blin, blip, boil, brie, brig, brim, brin, brio, brit, cadi, caid, cain, cedi, ceil, chia, chic.
chid, chin, chip, chis, chit, ciao, cine, cion, cist, cite, city, clip, coif, coil, coin, coir, coni, crib, cris, cuif, dais, defi, deil, deli, dial, dibs, dice, dick, dido, didy, died, diel, dies.
diet, digs, dike, dill, dime, dims, dine, ding, dink, dins, dint, diol, dips, dipt, dire, dirk, dirl, dirt, disc, dish, disk, dita, dite, dits, diva, dive, djin, doit, drib, drip, duci, duit, edit.
egis, eide, elhi, emir, emit, epic, etui, evil, exit, fail, fain, fair, fiar, fiat, fibs, fice, fico, fido, fids, fief, fife, figs, fila, file, fill, film, fils, find, fine, fink.
fins, fire, firm, firn, firs, fisc, fish, fist, fits, five, fixt, fizz, flic, flip, flit, foci, foil, foin, frig, frit, friz, fuci, fuji, gadi.
gain, gait, ghis, gibe, gibs, gids, gied, gien, gies, gift, giga, gigs, gild, gill, gilt, gimp, gink, gins, gips, gird, girl, girn, giro, girt, gist, give, glib, glim, grid, grig.
grim, grin, grip, grit, guid, gyri, haik, hail, hair, haji, heil, heir, hick, hide, hied, hies, high, hike, hila, hili, hill, hilt, hind, hins, hint, hips, hire.
hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hive, huic, iamb, ibex, ibis, iced, ices, ichs, icky, icon, idea, idem, ides, idle, idly, idol, idyl, iffy, iglu, ikon, ilea, ilex, ilia.
ilka, ilks, ills, illy, imam, imid, immy, impi, imps, inby, inch, info, inia, inks, inky, inly, inns, into, ions, iota, ired, ires, iris, irks, iron, isba, isle, isms, itch, item, iwis, ixia, izar, jail, jibb, jibe.
jibs, jiff, jigs, jill, jilt, jimp, jink, jinn, jins, jinx, jive, join, kadi, kaif, kail, kain, kaki, kami, keir, kepi, khis, kibe.
kick, kids, kief, kier, kifs, kike, kill, kiln, kilo, kilt, kind, kine, king, kink, kino, kins, kips, kirk, kirn, kiss, kist, kite, kith, kits, kiva, kiwi, knit, kris, laic, laid, lain, lair, lati, leis, liar, libs, lice, lick.
lido, lids, lied, lief, lien, lier, lies, lieu, life, lift, like, lilt, lily, lima, limb, lime, limn, limo, limp, limy, line, ling, link, linn, lino, lins.
lint, liny, lion, lips, lira, lire, lisp, list, lits, litu, live, loci, loin, magi, maid, mail, maim, main, mair, maxi, mibs, mica, mice, mick, midi, mids, mien, miff, migg, migs, mike, mild, mile, milk, mill, milo, mils.
milt, mime, mina, mind, mine, mini, mink, mint, minx, mire, miri, mirk, mirs, miry, mise, miso, miss, mist, mite, mitt, mity, mixt, modi.
moil, momi, naif, nail, naoi, nazi, neif, nevi, nibs, nice, nick, nide, nidi, nigh, nill, nils, nims, nine, nipa, nips, nisi, nits, nixy, nodi, noil, noir, obia, obis, obit, odic, ohia, oils, oily, oink.
olio, omit, otic, oxid, oxim, paid, paik, pail, pain, pair, pein, peri, phis, phiz, pial, pian, pias, pica, pice, pick, pics, pied, pier, pies, pigs, pika, pike, pile, pili, pill, pily, pima, pimp, pina, pine, ping.
pink, pins, pint, piny, pion, pipe, pips, pipy, pirn, pish, piss, pita, pith, pits, pity, pixy, plie, pois, prig, prim, psis, puli, puri.
pyic, pyin, qaid, quai, quid, quip, quit, quiz, ragi, raia, raid, rail, rain, raki, rami, rani, reif, rein, reis, rial, ribs, rice, rich, rick, ride, rids, riel, rife, riff, rift, rigs.
rile, rill, rime, rims, rimy, rind, ring, rink, rins, riot, ripe, rips, rise, risk, rite, ritz, rive, roil, ruin, sadi, said, sail, sain, saki, sari, sati, seis, semi, shim, shin, ship, shit, shiv, shri, sial, sibb, sibs, sice, sick, sics.
side, sift, sigh, sign, sike, sild, silk, sill, silo, silt, sima, simp, sims, sine, sing, sinh, sink, sins, sipe, sips, sire, sirs, site, sith, siti, sits, size, sizy, skid, skim, skin, skip, skis, skit.
slid, slim, slip, slit, smit, snib, snip, snit, soil, soli, sori, spic, spik, spin, spit, spiv, sris, stir, suit, swig, swim, tail, tain, tali, taxi, thin, thio, thir, this, tick, tics, tide, tidy, tied.
tier, ties, tiff, tike, tiki, tile, till, tils, tilt, time, tine, ting, tins, tint, tiny, tipi, tips, tire, tirl, tiro, titi, tits, tivy, toil, toit.
topi, tori, trig, trim, trio, trip, tuis, twig, twin, twit, unai, unci, unit, uric, vagi, vail, vain, vair, veil, vein, vial, vice, vide, vied, vier, vies.
view, vile, vill, vims, vina, vine, vino, vins, viny, viol, virl, visa, vise, vita, viva, vive, void, wadi, waif, wail, wain, wair, wait, weir, whid, whim, whin, whip, whir, whit, whiz, wich, wick, wide.
wife, wigs, wild, wile, will, wilt, wily, wind, wine, wing, wink, wino, wins, winy, wipe, wire, wiry, wise, wish, wisp, wiss, wist, wite, with, wits, wive, writ, yagi, yeti, yids, yill, yins, yipe, yips, yird, yirr.
yogi, yoni, ywis, zein, zigs, zinc, zing, zips, ziti, zoic, zori,
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