This list of words with f and j in them has 67 entries. It may be helpful for people looking for a word that contains the letters J and F.
alforja, alforjas, fanjet, fanjets, fjeld, fjelds, fjord, fjords, flapjack, flapjacks, forjudge, forjudged, forjudges, forjudging, frijol, frijole, frijoles, fuji, fujis, jackfish, jackfishes, jackknife, jackknifed, jackknifes, jackknifing, janiform, jarful, jarfuls, jarsful, jefe, jefes.
jellified, jellifies, jellify, jellifying, jellyfish, jellyfishes, jestful, jewfish, jewfishes, jiff, jiffies, jiffs, jiffy, jollified, jollifies, jollify, jollifying, joyful, joyfuller, joyfullest, joyfully, jugful, jugfuls, jugsful, jumpoff, jumpoffs.
justifiable, justification, justifications, justified, justifies, justify, justifying, unjoyful, unjustifiable, unjustified,
Glad you stopped by this reference page about words with f & j. To appear in the above F J word list these letters can appear in any order, each used at least once and perhaps multiple times, adjacent or even with other letters between them.
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